Memorable Speeches

I have given many public speeches over the past decade on topics ranging from diversity and accessibility to the need for space colonization. I’ve also appeared in a commercial for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. While I’ve spoken publicly numerous times on various topics, I’ve always emphasized the importance of coming together and embracing differences to create a more vibrant community. 

Here are just a few of my best and most memorable speeches:

TEDx Talk

I gave this speech at Cincinnati TEDx in 2014 about space exploration and the need to colonize other planets to prevent humanity’s eventual extinction. This was one of my first major public speeches, and one of my best, to this day.

Neil Armstrong Speech

After Neil Armstrong died, I was chosen to give a speech with Jim Lovell, commander of Apollo 13, and Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon on Apollo 17. I helped announce Neil Armstrong’s foundation for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.